Trash and Recycling Guidelines


Capitol Park II Condominium Association, Inc.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Capitol Park II would like to remind residents of the Association’s trash and recycling rules. You can download a copy of this information here.

Household Trash

Trash pick-ups are on Mondays, (Tuesday, if Monday is a holiday), Wednesdays and Fridays at approximately 7:00 a.m. See below for additional holiday information.

  • Trash is to be placed out after 6:30 p.m. the day before.

  • Place trash in a tightly tied plastic bag or a covered trash can.

  • Remove trash can after trash is picked up. Trash cans must be kept inside or in your backyard so they are not be visible from the front of your unit


Recycling pick-ups are on Wednesday mornings. See below for additional holiday information.

  • Recycling is to be placed out after 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays.

  • DC Recycling is now single stream, which means that you DO NOT need to separate paper from other recyclables.

  • DO NOT put your recycling in closed plastic bags! Instead use a paper bag or separate recycling bin (which can be purchased at the owner’s expense at any hardware store). This is necessary to ensure that your recycling is not mistaken for trash.

  • Cardboard boxes, no matter the size, are valuable recyclables and therefore should only be put out with your household recycling, which is picked up on Wednesday mornings.

Bulk Trash

In addition to regular trash removal, CPII provides bulk trash removal.

  • When? Tuesday mornings–items may be placed out ONLY after 6:30 p.m. on Monday evening.

  • Where? At the corners of the courtyard walls at either end of the Third Street parking lot.

  • What is included in "bulk trash"?

    • Small appliances, such as vacuum cleaners

    • Area rugs o Small furniture items, such as chairs or small tables

    • Christmas trees, tree limbs

    • Doors

    • Window screens

Prohibited Bulk Trash Items

Not every "bulky" item is covered under bulk trash. Large items or trash containing refrigerants or hazardous waste are not included in the bulk trash service. Examples of prohibited items include:

  • Large appliances, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, ovens, or washing machines.

  • Large furniture items, such as sofas, recliners, or mattresses.

  • Construction or renovation debris, such as plywood, drywall, or wood framing.

  • Kitchen cabinets

  • Hazardous materials, such as paint cans or car batteries

  • Large rolled up carpets

  • Cardboard boxes (see recycling above)

Owners and residents are responsible for the proper disposal of these items. When purchasing new appliances please make arrangements for old appliances to be taken away when new ones are delivered. If you need a referral to arrange for the removal of a large item, contact Management (301-468-8919 or to ensure the trash company is notified and so you can be billed separately for the dumping fees, which are very reasonable.

Weekly Trash Calendar

  • Sunday Put out regular trash after 6:30 p.m. for Monday pick- up.

  • Monday Regular trash pick-up. Put out bulk trash after 6:30 p.m. for Tuesday pick-up.

  • Tuesday Bulk trash pick-up. Put out regular trash and recycling after 6:30 p.m. for Wednesday pick-up.

  • Wednesday Regular trash pick-up, and Recycling pick-up

  • Thursday Put out regular trash after 6:30 p.m. for Friday pickup.

  • Friday Regular trash pick-up.


  • New Year’s Day

  • MLK Day

  • Presidents’ Day

  • Memorial Day

  • Fourth of July

  • Labor Day

  • Columbus Day

  • Thanksgiving Day

  • Christmas Day

Note: If a pick-up day is a holiday, do not put out trash the night before. Trash will be collected on the next business day (Mon-Fri) following the holiday. After trash pick-up, remove cans from public view.

Please contact management with any problems, questions, or concerns regarding trash service and they will be promptly addressed with the service provider!